News & Events
Solo exhibitions
2018 Nilüfer Children’s Library, Bursa, Turkey
2008 TEM Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2007 Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art, University of Richmond Museums, Virginia, USA
2006 Galeri Nev, Ankara, Turkey
1999 Mazhar Zorlu Art Gallery, “Pantomime,” Izmir, Turkey
1999 Alva P. Taylor University Gallery, “Civil Earth, Savage Race,” California, USA
Two-person exhibitions
2004 Gallery Nev, Ankara, Turkey
2001 Isbank Art Gallery, Izmir, Turkey
Group exhibitions
- Printworks, Limerick School of Art and Design, Ireland
- II. International Printmaking Exhibition, Republic of Georgia, 2017
- Picturebook Illustrators (permanent collection), Paper and Book Arts Museum, Ege University, Izmir, April 2016
- International Printmakers Exhibition and Portfolio, From There to Here (Bridges), Southern Graphics Council Exhibition & Conference, Curated by Prof. Karen Kunc & Prof. Rokeya Sultana, USA, an exhibition at the Southern Graphics Council International Conference in San Francisco, March 26- 30, 2014 (San Francisco) December 2015 (Ege University)
- L’espace Critique, Group Exhibition, Gallery Nev, Ankara
- Artist Book Project, Sky Page, Turgut Uyar, Norgunk Publications, İstanbul
- Invitational, Ege Art Festival, Ege University, İzmir
- On Cage, Curated by Beral Madra and Alpagut Gültekin, Kuad Gallery, Istanbul, July 2012
- Altered Book Exhibition, “A Novel Idea” Curated by Anne Laprade Seuthe, Hampden Gallery, Incubator Project Space, University of Massachusetts, USA, Dec. 11, 2011- Feb. 20, 2012
- Invitational Printmaking Exhibition, “Printmaking in Turkey / Türkiye’de Baskıresme Bakmak”, Anadolu University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Printmaking, Eskişehir, Turkey, November 2011
- Invitational Exhibition, “Fine Arts Exhibition” METU 12. Art Festival, Culture and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey, March 25-April 24, 2011
- Project Mother-Memory (Collaboration with Tanja Softic-Ann Coddington Rast) Here, There, Everywhere, Collaborative work curated by TransCultural Exchange, Boston
- Southern Graphics Council Conference Echo Portfolio, The Kansas City Art Institute, USA
- 200. Exhibition, Galeri Nev, Ankara, Turkey
- TEM Art Gallery,`Us and Them`, Nişantaşı, Istanbul, Turkey
- “Revelations 1: 2006 Invitational Alumni Exhibition”, University of California, Chico
- “NCS 22nd Annual Juried Exhibit”, Jury, Jonathon Talbot, collage artist and author, Christine Poggi, Associate Professor of Art, University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Michael Taylor, Curator of Modern and 20th Century Art and Curator of Modern Art at the Philip and Muriel Museum of Art, Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College Collegeville, Pennsylvania
- BONDS, groups show of prints from Bilkent University, Mid America Print Conference, Athens, Ohio, September 20-23
- “Paperwork In, On and of Paper II Annual”, Juror, Joan Hall Professor of Art-Washington University, The Foundry Art Centre, Missouri
- “Florida Printmakers- 14th Competition: International Print and Drawing Exhibition”. Juror, Robert Watson, Emeritus, Head of Printmaking-Florida Atlantic University
- “21st Annual Juried Exhibit”, The National Collage Society, Inc. 254 West Streetsboro Street, Hudson, Ohio. Juror, Henry Adams PhD, Chairman, Department of Art History, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio; Martin Ball, Art Professor, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio; Christopher Pekoc, Drawing Lecturer, Collage Artist, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio (top 2 %, 600 art works, 10 artworks selected for award)
- “Contemporary Painting and Sculpture from Turkey”, Nov. 2004, 1st Prague Int. Art Fair, Prag. Curator, Besi Cecan
- 65th National Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, Jurors, Professor Atilla Atar, Professor Aydın Ayan, Bingül Başarır, Professor Nihat Boydaş, Professor Meriç Hızal, Professor Hasan Pekmezci, Professor Mustafa Pilevneli, Metin Yurdanur. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, Museum of Sculpture and Painting, Ankara, Turkey
- 2004 Biennial Juried Exhibition, Juror, James Mcgarrell, Brad Cooper Gallery, Tampa, Florida
- 64th National Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, Jurors, Burhan Alkar, Professor Gören Bulut, Professor. Zehra Çobanlı, Professor. Dinçer Erimez, Professor Dr. Turan Erol, Professor. Dr. Erol Eti, Professor. Dr. Güngör Güner, Professor. Remzi Savaş Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, Museum of Sculpture and Painting, Ankara, Turkey (top 2 %, 231 slides / 129 artists, 5 artworks awarded)
- 12th International Print Biennial, Jurors, Maria Kuncheva, Professor. Ivan Bochev, Dr. Blagomir Papazov, Yavor Tsnev, Ventseslav Antonov Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria, Varna, Bulgaria.
- 6th International Biennial of Engraving, Jurors, Giuseppe Avignolo, Paolo Bellini, Rossana Bossaglia, Adriano Calavalle, Silvia Cuppini, Nicole Minder Acqui Terme- Ovada Rotary Club, Museo dell’Incisione-Castello dei Paleologi, Acqui Terme, Italy. (top 2 %, 800 artists, 17 artworks selected for special recognition)
- 19th Annual Juried Exhibit, Juror, Dr. William Robinson (Curator of Modern European Art, Cleveland Museum of Art), National Collage Society, Inc. Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA
- 6 Mythologies, Keşif Art Gallery, Bahçelievler, Ankara, Turkey
- 30th DYO International Juried Exhibition & Competition, Jurors: Avni Arbaş, Professor Hayati Misman, Professor Dr. Münir Ekonomi, Abdülkadir Günyaz, Dr. Nazan Ölçer, Naile Akıncı, Ferruh Başağa. Harbiye Naval Museum, Istanbul (travelling exhibition: İzmir, Bursa, Ankara, Antalya), Turkey. (top 0.4 %, 1204 slides, 5 artworks awarded)
- 36th Annual GALEX National Juried Exhibition & Competition Juror, Professor Frederick Ortner (Knox College at Galesburg), Galesburg Civic Art Center, Illinois, USA
- Hand-Pulled Prints X, Parchman Stremmel Galleries, Stone Metal Press, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- International All Media Invitational Exhibition, Juror, Professor Larry Bradshaw, Period Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
- National Painting Juried Art Exhibition. Juror, Dean Mitchell, Charlotte County Art Guild, Inc. Visual Arts Center, Florida, USA
- INK & CLAY 27, Jurors, Darrel Couturier, Suzanne Baizerman , W. Keith & Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA
- Prints U.S.A. 2001, Juror, Daniel Piersol (The Doris Zemurray Stone Curator of Prints & Drawings, New Orleans Museum of Art, Louisiana) Springfield Art Museum, Missouri, USA
- Contemporary Turkish Artists, Works on Paper, Curator, Yeşim Turanlı, Pi-Artworks, Istanbul, Turkey
- Abstraction IV International Juried Art Exhibition, Juror, David McLeod, Period Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska, USA (top 1 %, 325 artists, 3 artworks selected for award of excellence)
- National Works on Paper Exhibition, Jurors, Mark Lunning, Bethany Kriegsman, William Havu Core New Art Space, Denver, Colorado, USA
- Watermark 2001: Works on Paper, Juror: Donald Furst, National Juried Exhibition, North Carolina, USA
- International Graduate Student Invitational Print Exhibition, “Border Crossings-2001”, Organized by University of Texas, Austin, 30 Top Graduate Printmaking Offerings in the World
- Works on Paper, Juror, Professor Howardena Pindell (University of New York at Stony Brook/ visiting professor of art at Yale University), South Shore Art Center, Massachusetts, USA.(top 08 %, 589 slides, 90 artworks selected-both works accepted)
- Janet Turner Print Museum, Juror, Professor Marion Epting, California, USA
- National Juried Print Exhibition “75 Years of Turkish Printmaking” Jurors, Professor Fethi Kayaalp, Professor Alaattin Aksoy, Professor Åžükrü Aysan, Osman Hamdi Gallery, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- National Juried Exhibition For Young Painters, Tüyap, Gençetkinlik, Istanbul, Turkey
- Isbank National Juried Print Exhibition, Jurors, Professor Mustafa Aslıer, Associate Professor Aydın Ayan, Professor Mürşide İçmeli, Professor Ergin İnan, Professor A. Emre Kocaoğlu, Professor Hayati Misman, Professor Süleyman Saim Tekcan, Kızılay Gallery, Ankara, Turkey (39 works selected)
- National Juried Painting Exhibition, Jurors, Professor Adnan Turani, Professor Mustafa Pilevneli, Professor Ergin İnan, Professor Semra Germaner, Professor Devrim Erbil, Faruk Cimok, Vural Bayazit, Naval Museum, Istanbul, Turkey (top 09 %, 508 slides, 49 artworks selected)
- National Photography Exhibition, Ifsak, Istanbul, Turkey
- International Painting Exhibition, Kutaisi Art Museum, Republic of Georgia
- Mural painting, American Collegiate Institute, Izmir, Turkey